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Do you know the technology

more advanced

of digital agriculture

developed for the region?

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What is it?

It is a new model of
care supported on
diagnostic tools
of digital agriculture that takes,
analyzes and communicates
information quickly.

What is it for?

To make decisions that will
help you in an easy,
agile and timely way to improve
the profitability of your crop
and business.

  • Resource optimization.
  • Accurate execution of tasks.
  • Greater knowledge of
    its cultivation.

Technology that integrates

all services

agriculture software

advanced agriculture

The advanced agriculture software is a tool
through which via a Free-App all
AgritecGEO services are communicated.


AgritecGeo customers will be
advised and accompanied by
highly trained staff of
DISAGRO with recommendations
appropriate on the management
nutritional and sanitary management of their farm.

agronomic consultancy1 0
diagnostic analysis

Analysis and diagnosis

AgritecGEO 's expert consultants support their
recommendations based on data obtained at

To perform a system analysis
soil-plant-water, soil analysis,
foliar, fruit, irrigation water and soil solution are required.

Proximity sensors

To know the characteristics of the environment in which the crop grows and the effect of that environment
on its development and growth, it is required
to have high-tech sensors in the
soil, in the plant and in the air.

intelligent climate1

Intelligent climate

Our intelligent climate provides valuable
information about different climate properties.
In addition, through the alert system set up at
AgritecGEO, you will receive information about when your
crop is under stressful conditions.

satellite images

Satellite images

With this AgritecGEO service, you can count on an evaluation and
qualification of the entire crop area as often as needed.

High resolution
high resolution

It is possible to observe the phenological properties
of each plant in its
crop, with a definition of up to 3
centimeters, using high-tech sensors
installed on drones that
fly over the crop and collect
information based on the spectral reflectance
of each plant.

high resolution images

Forecasting models

The user will receive alerts that will inform him in advance about the
climatic conditions that will favor the appearance of foliar or fruit diseases

solutions tailored to the crop

Based on information from
homogeneous management zones and the results of
laboratory AgritecGEO offers a
portfolio of solutions based on
nutrition and protection products
developed with the latest technology
and specifically for each crop.

tailor-made solutions co 0
market information


AgritecGEO constantly communicates
relevant information worldwide on
related topics such as stock exchange quotations of
products, prices of agricultural inputs
and agricultural news.

And all through a software via a Free-App
installed on your phone.

Technology that integrates

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Consult the guide and tutorials for the use of our App.

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To find out more about AgritecGEO and our

service levels write to us at:

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advanced agriculture

The advanced agriculture software is a way of agile communication that DISAGRO has designed so that its customers can visualize all the digital agriculture services that we exclusively offer in the region.

Agronomic consulting

The starting point for good agronomic advice is the creation of homogeneous management zones. AgritecGEO quantifies the spatial variability of the soil by sampling physical and chemical properties. Based on crop requirements and nutrient availability in these zones, precise recommendations for agricultural inputs are made.

In AgritecGEO there are three ways to divide homogeneous management zones:

Power zones
Vegetation indices are generated that identify the foliar behavior of the crop during the last years, based on historical satellite images and grouping the areas that throughout this period express very similar vigor and health.

Soil physics
Based on a suitable design for the crop and the topology of the land, soil sampling is carried out and pH, electrical conductivity, texture, density, compaction and porosity are analyzed.

Soil fertility
Soil sampling is designed specifically for the crop or field where macro and micronutrients are analyzed, as well as cation exchange capacity. Based on this zoning, the ideal location of sensors, frequency and dosage of management practices such as irrigation, protection and crop nutrition are determined.

Analysis and diagnosis

Soil analysis
This methodology provides insight into the spatial variability of different macro and micronutrients in the soil and their availability to the plant. It is a basic tool required for the design of optimal nutrition programs for all crops. Routine performance of these analyses allows understanding the effect of fertilization, irrigation and preparation practices on soil fertility.

Leaf analysis
Determines the content of macro and micronutrients is part of the sampled plant, which is usually the leaf. The correct interpretation of leaf analysis is used to estimate the nutritional status of the plant and indirectly to estimate the capacity of the soil to supply nutrients to the crop. This analysis assumes that the sampled tissue reflects the accumulation of nutrients in the whole plant and in the other plants of the crop. Therefore, the quality of the sampling is the most determining factor in the representativeness of the results obtained.

Fruit analysis
It is designed to determine the nutritional composition and the total content of mineral elements in the fruit. With this methodology it is possible to differentiate physiologically active minerals within the fruit such as calcium and potassium, in addition to quantifying properties related to flavor. These parameters are integrated to determine fruit quality, optimum harvest time, postharvest life and storage characteristics.

Soil solution analysis
To understand how much of the applied fertilizer and native nutrient supplement is available to be absorbed by the crop, AgritecGEO 's technical staff installs suction probes at different depths, which simulate roots and collect soil solution samples; in which through laboratory analytical processes the concentration of nutrients is determined.

Irrigation water analysis
It is a fundamental analysis to estimate the physical-chemical properties of irrigation water and nutrient supply. With this information it is possible to design fertilizer solutions, in the case of fertigation. In addition, this analysis provides information on the salinity of the irrigation water and thus can estimate its effect on the pH and salinity of the soil where it is applied.

Proximity sensors

Moisture sensors:
By adopting this type of sensors it is possible to estimate the volumetric moisture content in the soil every 10 centimeters up to a depth of 60 centimeters, every 15 minutes. Recognize whether rain or irrigation water is infiltrating into the root zone of the crop and thus decide the most opportune moment for the application of edaphic fertilizers.

With the alert system configured in AgritecGEO it is possible to automate irrigation times and flows.

Conductivity or salinity sensors:
These sensors allow estimating the total content of salts in the soil solution in ranges from 10 centimeters to a maximum depth of 60 centimeters every 15 minutes. Knowledge of the concentration of soluble salts allows to know if the applied fertilizers have been solubilized and are available to be absorbed by the crop. Recognize salt depletion or accumulation profiles, presuming problems related to soil physics such as low porosity, limited water conductivity and compacted layers.

Chlorophyll sensors:
chlorophyll content in plants is positively correlated with the greenness index of the crop and the nitrogen content of the plants and consequently their photosynthetic activity.

Intelligent climate

The weather stations provided by AgritecGEO provide a service called intelligent weather, which offers information on different weather properties such as: rainfall intensity and frequency, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, sunshine and leaf wetness.

The intelligent weather service provides weather forecasts for rainfall, air temperature, wind speed and direction, cloud height and potential evaporation.

Satellite images

Satellite images allow digital monitoring of large areas of crops, with a very good resolution and high periodicity.

The images can identify areas in the crop that are stressed by pests, diseases or weeds, areas with nutritional or water deficiencies.

High resolution
high resolution

Using these images it is possible to identify diseased plants or plants with nutritional deficiencies (especially nitrogen and sulfur); also to create maps of population or density, maps of stress index, photosynthetic activity and different vegetation indexes that are adapted according to the growth stage of the crop or the needs of the farmer.

The adoption of this service allows to make a diagnosis of each and every one of the plants of your crop, in order to perform differentiated practices to the areas that require it.

Forecasting models

The intelligent climate model offered by AgritecGEO allows estimating the probability of incidence of foliar diseases. It sends alerts informing the periods in which climatic conditions favor infection.

AgritecGEO has 85 disease incidence models of economic importance in forty crops. These models can be activated exclusively when the intelligent climate service has been contracted.

solutions tailored to the crop

Based on information from homogeneous management zones and laboratory results, AgritecGEO offers a portfolio of solutions based on nutrition and protection products developed with the latest technology and specifically for each crop.


AgritecGEO provides information of interest on product commercialization, updated information on diseases, new trends and best practices related to the crop. This information will help you decide how and when to plant, adopt new practices and anticipate new international market demands.