Logistics Solutions

Through DISAGRO's logistics solutions unit, we add value to our clients' transportation chain, using state-of-the-art equipment and technology. For more than 20 years we have provided logistics services, support and maritime port consultancy in each of the ports where we operate in Guatemala and Honduras.
Our highly qualified and certified human resources guarantee confidence in the import and export processes carried out.

Our lines of business:

Ship agency: Our shipping agency, with more than 25 years of experience, has offices in Guatemala and Honduras, represented by the companies Presersa S.A. and Terminales de Cortés respectively. In both countries we broker more than 100 vessels per year.

We currently have a worldwide presence. We are members of Multiport, International Network of Shipping Agencies with headquarters in London, England.
Our services:

  • Port agency:
    • Solid and liquid bulk vessels
    • Container vessels
    • Cruises
    • General cargo vessels
    • Navy vessels
  • Vessel chartering
  • Ship repair
  • Vessel supply
  • Protective agent
  • Warehouse cleaning

  • Storage of all types of cargo, in general and bonded warehouses in yards and warehouses.
  • Crew change
  • Technical Consulting
  • Bagging of products
  • Fuel supply
  • Crew repatriation
  • Inspections and survey services
  • Transportation services
  • Customs services

Stevedoring: For 20 years we have been providing handling services for all types of products in the ports of Guatemala. We have highly qualified and certified personnel (ISPS Code), as well as state-of-the-art equipment and technology that allows us to execute our clients' operations efficiently, thus achieving the best performance in the market. We currently unload more than 1.7 million metric tons of bulk cargo per year.

Our services :

  • Loading and unloading of all types of products:
    • Solid and liquid bulk products
    • Containers
    • General cargo
    • Project Upload
  • Transshipment of goods
  • Machinery rental
  • Stacking of all types of loads

Main ports where we operate:

disagro logistics solutions ports

Ship agency:

  • Guatemala:
    • Puerto Quetzal
    • Port Santo Tomás de Castilla
    • Puerto Barrios
  • Honduras:
    • Puerto Cortes
    • Port San Lorenzo
    • Roatan
    • Puerto Castilla
    • Omoa